
Ant Rant

I’ve come to loath ant.

XML is great for a lot of things, but is simply painful for expressing control flow. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s still easier to work with than make; you can use any XML editor or a web-browser to validate the well-formedness of an ant build file. It’s just that programmatic thought isn’t elegantly represented by a tree structure full of angle brackets. Trees are simplifications computer scientists use to fit information into limited structures that can be easily parsed and manipulated, however, as a user of the system I don’t give a flying flock that it uses a standard SAX parser. I do care about defining basic control-flow operations in a natural way, and not having to create artificial work-arounds to cater to the structure of the tree. Elegance, however, is the least of ants problems. It lacks a fundamental development capability that is missing from other build systems such as make and jam, and even long-established shells such as bash: debuggability.

Here’s the deal, plain and simple: if you’re writing a development tool, you must provide some mechanism for easy debugging. “Hello, world!” does not require troubleshooting. Every other real-world “script” does. If you’re automating a build process for a large application, it will have bugs, and when you do get them squashed the system will soon be inadequate and require modification. Now, when I say “debuggability”, I’m not talking about scattered echo/print elements throughout the code or color-coded syntax. I’m talking about stepping through the script line by line and examining the inputs and outputs of every step in the process, just like you would with any C++ or Java program,

The last item in today’s rant is support for basic data structures. Variable passing is pukingly awkard in ant, and calling other targets sometimes requires firing up another ant process. Umm.. riiiiight. “If today is Saturday turn debugging support on, run all known unit tests and send a status report to all team members” is not an unrealistic use of these systems. Debugging this should not be such a chore.